We are celebrating our first birthday! We accomplished much in our first year and we need your help to keep us growing. From saving countless unwanted litters to helping you keep your pet up to date on vaccinations as well as placing hundreds of animals into loving homes, we are here to help and need your help to keep going.
It's a lofty goal to raise $5,000 but we know we can do it!
Your gift will help save more animals like the sweet babies pictured above! We placed 311 cats and dogs into loving homes over the past year and we need your help to DOUBLE that number in our second year of operation.
Our Projects don’t stop with adoptions. We offer Low-Cost vet clinics every week along with adding Low-Cost spay/neuter surgery to our list of services this past February! Don’t forget our Working Cat and TNR program as well. We are striving to help even more animals over the next year, and we hope you will help us accomplish this goal.
Email: info@pawprojectga.org
Website: www.pawprojectga.org

In Support of Paw Project of Georgia, Inc.
Providing Low-Cost Vet Services, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter, Dental Cleaning, and Rescue & Adopt. Formed in 2022 by a group of women who have over 110+ years of combined knowledge in nonprofits and animal welfare.
Our Mission: Making animal care accessible to all members of our community by offering diverse supportive programs for healthcare and placement for animals in need.